TDR Error: Unable to write TDR to file


We have a utility program which can convert our proprietary image data to DICOS compliant format set. The utility was built with Stratovan DICOS v02 SDK and it can generate both CT IOD and TDR IOD DICOS files without error.

Now we are rebuilding the utility with Stratovan DICOS v03 SDK. We are able to build the utility but when we run the program to convert our image data to DICOS files, CT IOD created successfully but TDR has the the following errors:

Error: TDR (User-Level API): Threat Region of Interest cannot have zero dimension slice with TDR Type=MACHINE, TDR Instance Number=0, Threat Number=0
Error: TDR unable to write TDR to file

All the TDR APIs are completed successfully. Please advise how to debug such error? Thanks.

FYI: The data that I passed to SetThreatRegionOfInterest are ptoBase: 151, 101, 256 and ptoExtents: 125, 55, 56