DICOS Explorer Screenshot

DICOS Explorer - the complete DICOS viewer and compliance tool

Used by hundreds of vendors around the globe, DICOS Explorer is an integrated software package for validating your DICOS files.

Load any DICOS file. Render data in native form. Review tag compliance with the DICOS specification. Load Threat Detection Reports (TDS) and review Potential Threat Objects (PTOs).

Airport Security PlatformAutomated Threat Recognition (ATR)DICOS
adult person and child in airport
Airport Security Platform

OPSL offers a plug and play, vendor-neutral, standardized platform that opens up access to the airport security market for application developers.

bags in airport
Automated Threat Recognition (ATR)

Only one ATR software works with any security system in every environment. Reduce your costs and improve your performance today.

people in airport

The TSA DICOS Toolkit/SDK is Used By 80+ Airport Security Vendors.  You can trust Stratovan to deliver premium support, file conversion, compliance evaluation, integration guidance, and more.