
DICOS - used by over 80+ airport security vendors

The vision of the interoperable airport requires aviation systems to communicate and work seamlessly with each other. To achieve it, an airport security interoperability standard such as DICOS is inevitable. If you’re an airport security vendor, it’s time to ease the pain of achieving the standard now with “the Gold Standard” of integration support from Stratovan—the world experts in DICOS.

We can help you integrate DICOS, determine whether you're DICOS compliant, help you plan, execute, and support you during your transition to open standards.

Are you a regulator with data sets that need to be converted into DICOS or into other file formats? Or perhaps an airport operator that wonders whether the system you're considering is actually DICOS compliant? Do you have questions about how DICOS can improve your operations? Your certification processes? Or efficiency? Just ask, we're here to help.

Why choose Stratovan to guide your DICOS adoption?

Stratovan is the original architect of the TSA DICOS SDK and has worked with key stakeholders throughout both the development of the DICOS standard and SDK. No one knows DICOS better than Stratovan.

person with phone and coffee in airport

Software is our focus, not an afterthought

Why has Stratovan been so successful in driving real-time vendor-neutral interoperability? Because we only focus on developing software that factors in the complexities of the hardware our software will ultimately run on. Stratovan’s success stems from considering all the constraints, demands and nuances of each individual piece of hardware in use, and how each device needs to communicate with everything else to deliver unified screening.

We understand all the devices in airport security that need to be integrated and have the experience, expertise, software development capabilities and services to make interoperability a reality for any vendor’s system.

Moreover, Stratovan’s seasoned team has the technical expertise to solve any software problems that arise in the airport security environment. We understand and handle challenging data throughput and the compatibility of CT scanners, next-generation millimeter wave systems, and seamlessly blend this with systems that are far less performance constrained.

At Stratovan, we are focused on software that helps you achieve interoperability based on emerging interoperability standards. Contact us to get on the path to interoperability and contributing to the airport of the future today.

David F. Wiley
President & CTO, Sacramento, CA

We also offer a complete suite of Aviation Security products and services such as for Automated Threat Recognition (ATR) enhanced solutions. No one else offers the critical tools and services you need to achieve the forthcoming interoperability standards, which is why over 80 aviation security vendors already use TSA’s SDK to create software to achieve interoperability for their systems.

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Top tier with airport security vendors

Find out why so many security vendors (including all major players) entrust Stratovan’s interoperability platforms to enable system and workflow integration and drive real-time operational interoperability. No other solution is used in as many vendor security systems.

Stratovan's experience with DICOS is:

  • Proven by working with over 80 airport vendors
  • Verified by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and Sandia National Laboratories vendor partners under the OTAP effort.
  • Builds on our expertise in developing software for healthcare
  • Alleviates the vast complexities of the DICOS standard
Automated Threat Recognition (ATR)Airport Security Platform
bags in airport
Automated Threat Recognition (ATR)

Only one ATR software works with any security system in every environment. Reduce your costs and improve your performance today.

adult person and child in airport
Airport Security Platform

OPSL offers a plug and play, vendor-neutral, standardized platform that opens up access to the airport security market for application developers.