
Higher-order Elements
Becoming more popular in the finite element field, higher-order elements capture a more complex data representation than their linear element...
Volume Data Processing
Bring new life to your three-dimensional volumetric data by viewing it in its natural form. Gain contextual insight by viewing...
Non-photorealistic Rendering
Emphasis on more subtle features of data often provides more insight than expected. Finding this balance between realism and subtle...
Information Visualization/Abstract Data Visualization
Choosing a visualization method that most easily and accurately conveys the meaning of data is not always a complex three-dimensional...
Computer Graphics and Photorealistic Image Generation
When it comes to true accuracy in regards to the visualization of your data, you can only trust the robustness...
Alignment and Data Registration
A commonly occurring problem where two or more data sets must be aligned to one another for the purpose of...
Geometric Processing and Geometric Modeling
Fundamental methods for processing geometrical surfaces are commonplace in today’s visualization and analysis packages. Tools that provide fast and accurate...
Image Analysis Methodology
Image analysis is hard. To extract meaningful information to meet your analysis goals you often need to work with large...
What is isosurfacing? Isosurfacing is a visualization technique for extracting a surface from 3D volumetric data, such as a CT...